General Pageant Information

1. The constestants may be male or female. Contestant may not be a parent.

2. There are two age categories:

                       Division A

                       Prince / Princess - ages 12 - 16

                       Division B

                       King / Queen - ages 17 - 22

 3. Each contestant must register and complete all required forms and parents must sign the Parents Understanding form.

 4. Registration deadline is April 16, 2011. Entry fee ($50) and completed Registration forms must be submitted to the Registrar or Chairperson by this date.    

5. Contestants must be in good standing with his or her local church and district.

6.  Contestant must indicate on the Personal Data form what talent they will showcase.

7. Please review Pageant Timelines for important dates.

 8.  Three (3) letters of recommendations are required: one from contestants Pastor, one from Local Sunday School Superintendent and one from your District Representative.



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