Parents & Participants Understanding
(Parents are to print out this page and obtain all required signatures)
I hereby agree to abide by the rules and guidelines that have been set by the Sunday School Department concerning the Mattie Pearl Hobbs Pageant.
I further understand that failure to comply with said guidelines will automatically disqualify my contestant from all pageant activities, and in doing so, I have forfeited all pageant monies, prized and awards.
It is further understood that there are no refunds under any circumstances.
Finally, I do understand that Staff will discuss any concerns you may have regarding any aspect of Pageant in a respectful manner. Parents, family and friends are expected to maintain good decorum during the Pageant.
Parents Signature_____________________ Date__/__/__
Participants Signature_____________________ Date__/__/__
Rep Signature_____________________ Date__/__/__
Print Name of Participant